Top 10 tips to keep your business safe from intruders

Keeping your business safe from intruders should be a top priority. Replacing stolen stock and repairing the damage from a break-in can grind your company to a financial halt, so it’s important to take as many precautions as possible to prevent intruders from striking. An investment in security now could save you money and stress down the line, so here are 10 tips to keep your business safe.

  1. Install business alarm systems 

Business alarm systems are more sophisticated than ever these days and are designed to offer peace of mind. Advanced systems can detect intrusions in real-time and will send alerts directly to your phone for a faster response. Technology differentiates between people and vehicles meaning only genuine threats are detected.

  1. Install business camera system

Often, commercial CCTV systems act as a deterrent, scaring away criminals before they decide to act. High-quality camera systems also record crystal clear images across a range of lighting conditions meaning if an intrusion does occur, the footage may be good enough to use as evidence if the case goes to court.

  1. Adequate locks on doors and windows

It sounds simple, but make sure you have adequate locks on all doors and windows. You could even think about double or triple locking key entry points for extra security. Furthermore, it’s advisable to assign lock-up duties to one or two people to ensure the process is completed thoroughly every day.

  1. Control property access

Be sure to control access to your business premises with fobs or swipe cards so you can restrict movement and have a record of who is onsite at any given time. If possible, never let random people just walk into your property without someone giving them permission.


  1. Triple glaze your windows 

Another easy way to protect against intruders is to triple glaze your windows. Double or triple glazed windows are really hard to smash because of the toughened glass making it more difficult for people to get in.


  1. Install external lighting 

Many lighting systems work using a sensor and will activate if someone comes near to your business. As with a CCTV camera, this can act as a deterrent, scaring criminals away. A well-lit business premises is undoubtedly harder to target.


  1. Lock away expensive items 

Opportunist thefts will see an item they want and take steps to steal it. To prevent this, keep all expensive equipment away from doors and windows where a smash and grab theft might be possible. You could even secure equipment to walls and floors. The same applies for machinery and outdoor equipment. Lock it up out of sight.


  1. Visit your premises regularly 

Visit your business every single day if possible or make sure there’s someone onsite when you’re not. To stop criminals from working out your daily routine, show up at different times so that your visiting hours are unpredictable.


  1. Take care on social media 

Posting that your business is closed implies no-one will be there. This can result in break-ins and thefts, so think carefully about what you put on social media.

  1. Have a skeleton staff during holidays 

Intrusions happen frequently during holiday periods when offices and businesses are closed. To reduce the risk, employ a skeleton staff to keep the company going during important celebrations or pop in yourself to make sure everything is secure.

5 Most Stolen Items From Farms

Farms are frequently targeted by thieves, mostly because they’re home to a wide range of expensive and in-demand equipment. As farms are based in rural locations, criminals often don’t have to worry about being caught by passersby, giving them an added sense of security. The good news is, business alarm systems serve as excellent deterrents, keeping your belongings as safe as possible, 24 hours a day.

With all this in mind, let’s take a quick look at five of the most stolen items from farms that’ll make you want to install a business camera system.

1. GPS Kits

If you’ve watched Season 2 of Clarkson’s Farm on Amazon Prime, you’ll know that GPS kits are frequently stolen from farms, with Jeremy and Caleb having a lengthy discussion about this issue. In 2022, police warned farmers to increase their security, with criminal gangs taking advantage of busy harvest seasons to steal precious and expensive items. Indeed, according to NFU Mutual figures, the national cost of claims for GPS theft almost doubled in 2020, to £2.9 million. This was largely fuelled by the pandemic with criminals looking for a portable steal.

2. Farm Pick-Ups

As second-hand car prices soar, rural thieves have also been targeting farm pick-up trucks. Shockingly, more than twice as many pick-ups were stolen each month in 2022 than in 2021. Farmers have recently been encouraged to increase security measures for their vehicles, even if their pick-ups have seen better days and are over ten years old. This is because older Toyota Hilux and Mitsubishi L200 models are the most regularly targeted pick-up models.

3. Livestock

Believe it or not, livestock rustling has become more lucrative for criminals, with figures revealing animals worth £2.4 million were stolen from farms in 2021 alone. Soaring food prices in recents months could now mean that livestock theft will increase, raising concerns about food security, animal welfare and unsanitary slaughter conditions which could impact human health. A loss of animals can severely impact a farmer’s profit, which is why installing a commercial CCTV system is essential. What’s more, if you’ve a farm shop or somewhere to sell the produce of your farm, make sure this is CCTV-protected too.

4. Quad Bikes

Quad bikes are easy to steal and sell well on the second-hand market. This makes them a great target for thieves. With their ability to handle off-road jobs and tow trailers, quad bikes offer a quick and easy solution to checking livestock and navigating fields. With this in mind, never leave quad bikes out in open areas and always padlock them away in secure barns and sheds that aren’t easy to access.

5. Agricultural Machinery

Millions of pounds worth of tractors are stolen every year, with tractor thefts up by 20% in 2022. Highly-organised thieves use stolen articulated lorries to haul away expensive tractors and loaders in the dead of night, with criminals upping their game since the pandemic. To prevent this, make sure all gates are locked, keep vehicles off roads or locked up at a separate location if possible, and consider infra-red beam alarms, CCTV and fit trackers. It’s also advisable to update your insurance policy and to make sure the insurance details, including the small print, meets your needs.

Ensure the security of your farm is up-to-scratch today and deter criminal activity in the best way possible. As farmers, best practices should always be followed and entire farm teams should be trained to prevent items from being stolen.